Saturday, August 17, 2019

Day 12: Normandy Beaches

While the boat was docked in Rouen, we took a bus tour to the Normandy (D-Day) beaches.
Our first stop was the town of Arromanches, near Utah Beach.  During the D-Day invasion, after the soldiers came ashore, they had to build a complete port to accommodate the ships that followed with supplies.  The Musee du Debarquement documents the building of the port as well as the invasion.

In central Arromanches

In front of the Museum

In the museum

Along the shore in Arromanches

What remains of the harbor built after D-Day

Along the coastline

Official D-Day wine

A church near Arromanches

Near Arromanches, were a series of German pillboxes from World War II

The tour stopped for lunch at the Omaha Beach Golf Club and Spa, home of the "Pro-Am du D-Day".  Nothing effectively memorializes D-Day like a golf tournament.

After lunch, we visited the Normandy American Cemetery

View of the shore from the cemetery

From the cemetery, we then went to Omaha Beach itself.

Some houses near the beach


In front of the D-Day House