Thursday, March 19, 2015

Days 5 and 6: St. Kitts and Iles des Saintes

Wednesday, 18 March: St. Kitts

We spent the morning anchored offshore, near Basseterre, the capital of St. Kitts (technically, St. Kitts and Nevis).  Since we had been to Basseterre before, we slept late and spent the morning on the ship.

A view of Basseterre
I think a phone book would help

As I mentioned in an earlier post, passengers can "help" the crew raise and lower the sails, but the help consists mostly of gathering the ropes.  Below is the extent of our crew experience.

The machine is doing all the work

There were a couple of megaships docked at Basseterre (Celebrity and Royal Caribbean), another reason why we decided to forgo a trip into town.

Another reason we stayed on the ship was that this morning passengers had the opportunity to climb to the crows nest, about 30 feet up.  They provide you with a harness, so unless you have a real fear of heights (which I don't), it's a pretty easy trip.

Getting strapped in

Ready to go

On my way

Nice butt!

Almost there!

A view from the crow's nest

My staff photographer

Coming back down

We then sailed down the coast a bit.

A more distant view of Basseterre

Lunch on board was an international buffet, complete with flags.

For the afternoon we took a tender boat to a beach club a few miles from Basseterre.  

After the beach break, we had one of the highlights of the trip, the "photo tender".  Since the sails can't be up while the ship is in port, the passengers don't get a chance to see what the ship looks like under full sail.  For the "photo tender", the passengers get in tender boats and sail around this ship while it's under sail.  Enjoy....

The tender boat



And later that evening....

Thursday, 19 March: Iles des Saintes (Guadeloupe)

Our next stop was in Iles des Saintes, which are a set of islands that are part of Guadeloupe.  We stopped in the village of Bourg des Saintes.  Unlike the previous islands on the trip, Guadeloupe was formerly a French colony, which made for a much different atmosphere.

On the dock

The harbor at Bourg des Saintes


The fish market

On the dock, with a view of our ship

More of the town and the downtown beach

In front of the town hall

The local church

Inside the church

View of Bourg des Saintes from our ship

Back on board, we had a Caribbean buffet for lunch.

After lunch, we visited the ship's bridge, which was open pretty much all of the time.

Finally, evening cocktails and a sunset.

Next--Days 7 and 8: Martinique and back to Barbados